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Air Quality Information In Your In-box: Louisiana Joins EnviroFlash

Release Date: 08/20/2008
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Tressa Tillman at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – August 20, 2008) Residents of Louisiana’s three largest cities can get air quality information in a flash through a free service provided by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) and Environmental Protection Agency.

EnviroFlash sends air quality information, such as forecasts and action day notifications, to subscribers via e-mail and is now available for Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Shreveport.

Based on Air Quality Index forecasts, EnviroFlash messages let subscribers know when air quality is good – or when it’s time to take steps to reduce their exposure to pollution. Subscribers can choose to get forecasts every day or only when air quality is poor.

More than 190 cities in 34 states currently use the service through EPA partnerships with state and local governments. In Louisiana, EnviroFlash messages and ozone air quality forecasts are provided by LDEQ.

Residents can sign up for EnviroFlash by visiting and entering their name, e-mail address and zip code.

More about activities in EPA Region 6:

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