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EPA’s newest Green Power Partner: Amerigroup’s Virginia Beach National Support Center

Release Date: 10/25/2011
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith [email protected], 215-814-5543

PHILADELPHIA (October 25, 2011) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that Amerigroup Corporation’s Virginia Beach National Support Center Inc., is the newest Green Power Partner, on EPA's Fortune 500 list of green power purchasers. Amerigroup’s green power purchase of more than 10 million kilowatt hours is equivalent to avoiding the yearly carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of nearly 1,400 passenger vehicles or from more than 800 average American homes' electricity use.

The Support Center is purchasing is electricity from two on-site wind turbines, which is enough green power to meet 100 percent of its electricity use. Green power is generated from renewable resources including solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, and low-impact hydropower.

“Amerigroup’s Virginia Beach National Support Center is making its environmental commitment clear by switching from traditional sources of electricity generation to cleaner, renewable energy alternatives,” said EPA’s mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator
Shawn M. Garvin. “I applaud Amerigroup’s efforts to buy green power and hope others will follow their lead in helping to improve air quality."

EPA’s Green Power Partnership works with more than 1,300 partner organizations who are voluntarily purchasing green power to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity use. Purchases of green power also help accelerate the development of new renewable energy capacity nationwide and produce no net increase to greenhouse gas emissions.

More information on the nation’s top 50 green power purchasers:

More information on EPA’s Green Power Partnership: