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EPA awards $13,949 to Ohio community college for environmental education project

Release Date: 07/21/2006
Contact Information: Megan Gavin, 312-353-5282, [email protected]

No. 06-OPA124

CHICAGO (July 21, 2006) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 recently awarded a $13,949 environmental education grant to Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland for a watershed project.

The Euclid Creek Watershed Project will foster environmental stewardship through classroom instruction and hands-on field work in the Cleveland area. Local teachers and community group leaders will learn to appreciate the cultural and ecological history of the Euclid Creek watershed and pass that along to students.

The Ohio group is among 10 organizations in EPA's six-state Region 5 that received a total of $187,200 in environmental education grant money this year. More than 100 proposals were received from groups in Illinois Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin.

"These creative projects inspire environmental stewardship in communities throughout the Midwest," said Region 5 Acting Administrator Bharat Mathur. "We recognize the winners' imaginative approaches to environmental education."

EPA grants are awarded yearly under the National Environmental Education Act, which was passed in 1990 to stimulate environmental education through design, demonstration and communications projects conceived by local organizations.

For more information on Region 5's environmental education program go to

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