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Proposal Seeks Comment on Clarified Language Used on Public Health Mosquito Control Product Labels

Release Date: 04/28/2004
Contact Information:

Dave Deegan 617-918-1017 / [email protected]

(04/28/04) A draft guidance document concerning labeling statements for pesticide products used for wide-area applications to control adult mosquitoes has been released for public review and comment. Pesticide products intended for homeowner use or for the control of mosquito larvae, are not included in the draft recommendations. The proposal concerns pesticide products that are typically applied by ultra-low volume aerial or ground application methods. EPA has developed these proposals to help clarify some labeling statements that may have been unclear to users, and to promote consistency between label statements for this class of products. The new language will help public health mosquito control officials optimize mosquito control techniques while ensuring that use of these products will not pose unreasonable risks to public health or the environment. EPA worked with state agencies to develop initial recommendations on this issue. The Agency will accept comments on the proposals for 90 days. The document, called “Labeling Statements on Products Used for Adult Mosquito Control,” is available at: .