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Structure to be World's Largest Built with Recycled Industrial Materials

Release Date: 09/26/2006
Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - Sept. 26, 2006) A major commercial development in Syracuse, N.Y., will be the world's largest sustainable structure to be built with recycled industrial materials, incorporate energy efficient features, and reduce vehicle emissions. The developers of Destiny USA, a multi-use project, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, promising to use a variety of environmentally sustainable practices.

"Destiny USA's pledge is the first of what we hope will be many similar commitments to use recycled industrial materials and promote other environmentally sustainable practices in major construction projects," said Susan Bodine, assistant administrator of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. "Increasing the use of recycled materials preserves our natural resources, protects the environment, conserves energy and saves money."

As part of its agreement with EPA, Destiny USA has agreed to:

  • Employ green building techniques
  • Become a partner in EPA's Resource Conservation Challenge, WaterSense, and Energy Star programs
  • Use more than 3,000 tons of coal ash in concrete, reducing greenhouse gases by more than 3,000 tons
  • Retrofit more than 100 construction trucks to reduce emissions by 85 percent
  • Incorporate hybrid and diesel vehicles in to its fleet
  • Promote EPA's SmartWay Transport Partnership to its carriers, shippers, and tenants to reduce truck emissions
  • Implement a commuter benefits program

EPA is asking developers nationwide to expand their use of recycled industrial materials including coal combustion products, foundry sand and construction and demolition debris. Instead of disposing of these materials, they can be used to make products like concrete, wallboard, steel beams and asphalt. Each year, U.S. businesses generate more than half a billion tons of industrial waste, which, in some cases, can be recycled and used as valuable resources.

Information on EPA's Industrial Materials Recycling program is available at: