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Water Stewardship Tools for Local Governments

Release Date: 10/07/2004
Contact Information: Dawn Harris-Young, (404) 562-8421, [email protected]
Today, Jimmy Palmer, EPA Regional Administrator, and Jerry Griffin, Executive Director of the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG), joined together to mark the launch of the “Water Stewardship Tools for Local Governments” disc set at the EPA’s Atlanta  Regional Office.  Following a photo session to capture their union, they spoke optimistically about the disc sets’ important role in providing water resource assistance for local governments within Region 4.

The “Water Stewardship Tools for Local Governments”, an innovative four-disc set designed to provide technical assistance for local governments  in the southeastern United States  has garnered attention from leading elected and appointed officials, including Georgia Governor Sonny Purdue.  During his speech to the Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful Association on October 4, 2004, in Gwinnett County, Georgia, he displayed a copy of the disc set to the audience, and announced the plans for its statewide launch to Georgia’s county governments.

In addition to Georgia’s county governments, officials in other states within the southeast, Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky and Mississippi, were provided with copies of the sets for distribution to their local government officials.  The toolkit provides user–friendly, interactive resources specifically tailored to address the water resource management, protection and conservation needs for each state in the southeast.

“Region 4 is honored to have worked with local officials in developing this critically important and much needed management tool,” said Jimmy Palmer.  “We look forward to strengthening and expanding our collaborative efforts to address public health and environmental challenges affecting our precious water resources in the Southeast.”

“The disc set  is a wonderful resource designed to help Region 4 local governments plan and implement effective strategies for protecting and improving our source water,” notes Jerry Griffin.  “ACCG is extremely proud to be involved with EPA Region 4 in helping to educate and inform our government officials about the vital importance of water protection, conservation and improvement.”

The “Water Stewardship Tools for Local Governments” disc set is available by contacting the Association County Commissioners of Georgia at (404) 522-5022. Funding for the project was provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and the Conference of Southern County Associations providing collaborative support. For more information, please visit