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EPA Rule Will Help States Control Fine Particle Air Pollution

Release Date: 03/29/2007
Contact Information: John Millett, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(3/29/07) EPA today finalized a rule outlining requirements for state plans to clean the air in 39 areas of the country where particle pollution levels do not meet national air quality standards. These state plans will lead to improved air quality for millions of Americans.

Under the Clean Air Act, states must develop plans by April 2008 for meeting the 1997 air quality standards for fine particles, or PM2.5. The Clean Air Fine Particle Implementation Rule includes detailed guidance that interprets the Clean Air Act's requirements for these plans.

The Bush Administration's clean air strategy includes the introduction of ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel and clean diesel trucks and buses, the Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule to reduce pollution from nonroad diesel engines and the Clean Air Interstate Rule to reduce pollution from power plants in the eastern United States. These federal programs will help all areas of the country meet the particle pollution standards.

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