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EPA Scientist Recieves Outstanding Risk Practitioner Award

Release Date: 12/19/2002
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819/[email protected]

(12/19/02) William H. Farland, Ph.D., Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science in EPA’s Office of Research and Development, was presented the Society of Risk Analysis (SRA) Outstanding Risk Practitioner Award for the year 2002. SRA is an international society that promotes the use of risk analysis to examine risks to human health and the environment. Risk analysis is a important tool for EPA environmental decision-making, as it provides estimates of adverse effects from exposure to a chemical or pollutant. As Director of EPA’s National Center for Environmental Assessment, Dr. Farland oversaw the conduct of risk assessments for specific chemicals that were applied to major EPA regulations, the development of Agency-wide guidance on risk assessment and the conduct of research to improve risk assessment. Dr. Farland is a member of the editorial boards for the “Risk Analysis and Environmental Health Perspectives” publications. He also teaches in affiliation with Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University and George Washington University.