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TOMORROW: EPA Chief, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Visit Texas Cities to Highlight Environmental Threats to Human Health / Two-day visit a part of EPA Administrator Jackson’s CHC environmental justice tour of impacted communities across the U.S.

Release Date: 01/26/2011
Contact Information: EPA Press Office, [email protected]

WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa P. Jackson will travel to Texas for a two-day tour to highlight the agency’s work safeguarding Americans from health threats like toxic chemicals, contaminated water, and pollution in the air we breathe and to discuss how to ensure all Texans receive the same health and environmental protections. She will be joined by Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) member U.S. Representative Silvestre Reyes on Thursday in El Paso and CHC chair U.S. Representative Charles Gonzales on Friday in San Antonio for forums with local community members and students. Administrator Jackson will also tour local water management and green technology innovation sites to discuss green job creation and resource conservation efforts.

The visit is a part of Administrator Jackson’s ongoing environmental justice tour, which highlights the impact of environmental issues on communities throughout the country. As head of EPA and a member of President Obama’s cabinet, Jackson leads the agency’s efforts to protect the health and environment for all Americans. She and a staff of more than 18,000 professionals work across the nation to address health threats from pollution in our air, water and land, utilizing science and the law.

*** Credentialed press who would like to interview Administrator Lisa P. Jackson and/or attend the tour should e-mail [email protected] to RSVP. Please include your name, media affiliation and contact information in your request. For additional information, please call 202-564-6794.

9:45 a.m. Environmental Justice Community Forum with Congressman Reyes

      El Paso Community College -- Northwest Community Library
      6701 S. Desert Blvd., Room L 100
      El Paso, Texas

12:45 p.m. Tour of El Paso Water Utilities Desalination Plant & TecH2O Water Resources
Learning Center
      10751 Montana Avenue
      El Paso, Texas

9:15 a.m. Green Jobs & Innovation Tour
      St. Phillips College – Southwest Campus
      800 Quintana Road
      San Antonio, Texas

2:00 p.m. Student Forum at St. Mary’s University
      Moody Life Sciences Building
      One Camino Santa Maria, Room 101
      San Antonio, Texas