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Ninety Percent of Population Served by Community Water Systems Meet Drinking Water Standards

Release Date: 05/13/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Stacie Keller, 202-564-4355/ [email protected]

(05/13/05) Ninety percent of the 272 million people served by 53,000 community water systems across the country received water that met health-based drinking water standards in fiscal year 2004. Through effective treatment, source water protection, and state and federal cooperation, EPA is working to meet its goal of having 95 percent of the population by 2008 served by community water systems in compliance with health-based drinking water standards. Water systems meeting the standards do not exceed the maximum allowable levels for contaminants such as nitrate and meet treatment technique requirements that ensure protection against microbial pathogens such as Giardia and viruses. Each year EPA releases a Summary of Drinking Water and Ground Water Statistics. The statistics in the summary are based on data from the Safe Drinking Water Information System, which is EPA's official record of inventory, violation, and enforcement data for public water systems. The yearly Summaries of Drinking Water and Ground Water Statistics are available at: .