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Public Comment Period Extended For Proposed Cleanup Plan of W.R. Grace Site in Acton, Mass. - Comments accepted until Sept. 8; public hearing will be Aug. 4

Release Date: 07/25/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: David Deegan ([email protected]), EPA Office of Public Affairs, (617) 918-1017

For Immediate Release: July 25, 2005; Release # dd050714

(Boston) – The public will have an additional five weeks to review a proposed cleanup plan for the 260 acre W. R. Grace (Acton Plant) Superfund site, located in the towns of Acton and Concord, Mass. EPA has extended the public comment period in response to a request from the town of Acton and other local stakeholders.

Public comments on the proposed cleanup plan may be submitted during the extended comment period, which will now end on Sept. 8. EPA has held an informal public informational meeting on July 19, the Agency will also hold a formal hearing in room #204 at the Acton Town on Thurs. Aug. 4 at 7:00 P.M. to accept verbal comments from the public.

The Proposed Plan is the culmination of a “Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study,” initiated by Grace in 1998 and completed in 2005 under the supervision and oversight of EPA and the Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection. EPA’s cleanup proposal addresses subsurface groundwater plumes and contaminated wetlands and sediments. A Remedial Investigation and human health and ecological risk assessments were conducted as part of this extensive investigation.

Written comments may be submitted to EPA during the extended public comment period, ending on Sept. 8. Comments may be submitted in writing to:

      Derrick Golden
      Remedial Project Manager
      U.S. EPA
      One Congress Street - HBO
      Boston, MA 02114-2023
      FAX: 617-918-2294
      [email protected]

Additional information, including EPA’s proposed cleanup plan for the W.R. Grace (Acton Plant) Superfund site is available ( .

Related Information:
W.R. Grace (Acton Plant) Fact Sheet
Long-Term Cleanups