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EPA seeks scientist nominations for Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment peer review panel

Release Date: 02/24/2012
Contact Information: Hanady Kader, EPA Public Affairs, [email protected], 206-553-0454

(Seattle—Feb. 24, 2012) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency invites the public to nominate qualified scientists to be considered for an external peer review panel that will evaluate EPA’s draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment. 
EPA is conducting an assessment to examine if large-scale mining development is likely to have adverse effects on salmon and resident fish populations in the Kvichak and Nushagak Rivers of the Bristol Bay watershed, and if effects on fish are likely to affect people and wildlife in the region. EPA anticipates release of a draft assessment report in late April. 

The peer review nomination period opens Friday, Feb. 24 and closes Friday, March 9.

Peer review, the evaluation of a product by experts who were not involved in its development, is a critical tool used in the scientific community to ensure decisions are based on high-quality, sound science.

Nominees for the peer review panel should have background knowledge and expertise in one or more of the following areas:

    • Mining, particularly porphyry copper
    • Salmon fisheries biology
    • Surface, subsurface or watershed hydrology
    • Aquatic ecology
    • Biogeochemistry
    • Seismology
    • Ecotoxicology
    • Wildlife ecology
    • Indigenous Alaskan cultures 
An independent contractor will accept nominations online.

Final peer review panel members will be selected by the contractor based upon the following criteria:

    • Demonstrated expertise through relevant peer reviewed publications
    • Professional accomplishments and recognition by professional societies
    • Demonstrated ability to work constructively and effectively in a committee setting
    • Absence of financial conflicts of interest
    • No actual conflicts of interest or the appearance of bias
    • Willingness to commit adequate time for a thorough review of the assessment report commencing in late April 2012
    • In-person participation at a peer review panel meeting in Anchorage, Alaska in August 2012
Following its review of the draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment, the peer review panel will meet in August in Anchorage, Alaska. There will be an opportunity at the meeting for members of the public to provide input to panel members and observe the panel’s discussions.    

To submit a peer review nomination, visit:

To view the Federal Register Notice, visit:

For more information about EPA’s assessment of Bristol Bay, visit:

For more information about the EPA peer review process: