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Improved Pollution Estimates Will Support Upcoming Power Plant Regulations;

Release Date: 08/04/2004
Contact Information:

John Millett, 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(08/04/04) In support of a power plant rule that will significantly reduce pollution that causes soot and smog, EPA is incorporating the latest data and methods available for estimating air quality impacts. EPA is issuing a Notice of Data Availability (NODA) for the proposed Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) that describes improvements that EPA is making to the air quality modeling and updated information that is used to predict pollution levels. CAIR, one of the Clean Air Rules of 2004, is a critical component in EPA's program to reduce levels of fine particles and ground-level ozone across the Eastern United States. The rule builds upon the Acid Rain program to improve air quality and protect human health. By giving stakeholders, academics, technical experts in the States and Tribes, and the general public an opportunity to evaluate the modeling platform and the model inputs, the Agency ensures that the best technical information is used correctly. The improved air quality modeling system reflects technical adjustments and updates to the computer model, growth rates, emission inventories, air quality data, forecasting, scientific innovations, and the latest research in atmospheric chemistry. Many of the revisions are in direct response to information provided in public comments on the proposal. To allow the public an opportunity to comment on the new air quality modeling system, there will be a 21-day comment period from the date the NODA is published in the Federal Register. As more information becomes available, it will be posted on the web