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EPA Performance Track Criteria to be Considered in Assessments by International Investment Advisory Firm

Release Date: 08/14/2003
Contact Information:

Teresa Libera 202-564-7873 / [email protected]

(08/14/03) Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, an investment advisory firm which rates companies on several issues, including the environment, will use the criteria within EPA’s Performance Track Program to develop their ratings. The Innovest ratings are considered by investors of the subject companies. In the Performance Track program, companies are rewarded for consistently exceeding regulatory requirements, working closely with communities, and excelling in protecting the environment and public health. Among the Performance Track considerations is a demonstration by companies of a solid understanding of environmental management issues and a commitment to report on results. Innovest has found that companies demonstrating strong environmental performance and a commitment to environmental improvement usually are well managed overall. Currently, 46 Performance Track members are rated in Innovest’s sector-specific industry reports for pharmaceuticals, auto parts and equipment, manufacturing, chemicals and forest products, among others. The information contained in this advisory does not constitute an endorsement by EPA.