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MEDIA ADVISORY: Briefing on South Minneapolis Arsenic Superfund Site Sept. 8, 2 P.M.

Release Date: 09/04/2009
Contact Information: Mick Hans, 312-353-5050, [email protected]

No. 09-OPA164

(CHICAGO - Sept. 4, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will host an on-street media briefing Tuesday, Sept. 8, to kick off the start of a $20 million Recovery Act-funded cleanup of about 500 South Minneapolis residential yards with arsenic-contaminated soil. About 200 homes with higher levels of contamination were cleaned up from 2004 to 2008. This new work addresses less-contaminated properties that still require cleanup.
WHAT: Briefing and photo-op to mark the start of a new phase of cleanup at the South Minneapolis Residential Soil Contamination Superfund site. Photographers will have a view of construction activity.

WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 8, at 2 p.m.

WHO: Sharon Jaffess, Remedial Branch Chief, and Tim Prendiville, Project Manager, U.S. EPA Region 5. Representatives from Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Minnesota Department of Health, City of Minneapolis and local officials may also be on hand.

WHERE: 2200 block of 21st Avenue South. Briefing will be across the street from a yard where cleanup is under way.

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