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Red Lion, Pa. Manufacturing Company Agrees to Pay a Penalty to Settle Hazardous Waste Violations

Release Date: 08/04/2010
Contact Information: Donna Heron 215-814-5113 / [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (Aug. 4, 2010) -- General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, Inc. has agreed to pay a $38,500.00 civil penalty to settle alleged violations of hazardous waste regulations at its ordnance projectile, housing and parts manufacturing facility in Red Lion, Pa.

EPA cited General Dynamics for violating the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the federal law governing the treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA is designed to protect public heath and the environment, and avoid costly cleanups, by requiring safe, environmentally sound storage and disposal of hazardous waste.

Following a facility inspection, EPA cited the company for RCRA violations involving hazardous waste stored at the building including:

      * Operating a hazardous waste storage facility without a permit;
      * Failure to make hazardous waste determinations;
      * Failure to submit an exception report when the facility did not receive a fully signed manifest from the designated disposal facility;
      * Storing hazardous waste in containers that were not kept closed during storage;
      * Failure to perform required weekly container storage area inspections;
      * Failure to minimize the possibility of any release of hazardous waste;
      * Failure to properly store university waste lamps and mercury-containing devices.
The $38,500.00 settlement penalty reflects the company’s compliance efforts, and its cooperation with EPA in the investigation and resolution of this matter.

In addition to the penalty, as a part of the settlement, General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, Inc. has certified its compliance with all applicable RCRA requirements.

For more information about hazardous waste and RCRA, visit