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EPA Marks World Environment Day

Release Date: 06/04/2010
Contact Information: Dave Ryan (News Media Only) [email protected] 202-564-7827 202-564-4355

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is observing World Environment Day June 5. Launched in 1972, World Environment Day aims to stimulate worldwide awareness about the environment and is celebrated in 80 nations around the world.

“We have made tremendous progress since the first World Environment Day, but nearly 40 years later, people here at home and throughout the world are still worried about pollution and environmental degradation affecting their planet, their nations, and their own backyards,” said Michelle DePass, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of International and Tribal Affairs. “In light of the many shared challenges we face today, EPA is proud to be both a leader and partner of the international community.”

In recent years, EPA’s global partnerships have taken on new significance in the face of shared environmental challenges, such as transboundary pollution, global climate change and children’s environmental health. EPA recognizes that environmental progress in cooperation with our global partners can mean even greater progress toward protecting our domestic environment. By working globally, we can help ensure our own national security, facilitate global commerce, promote sustainable development, curb climate change, and engage diplomatically around the world.

In honor of World Environment Day, Nancy Stoner, deputy assistant administrator in EPA’s Office of Water, spoke yesterday at the United Nations World Environment Day “Water Matters” Conference in Pittsburgh. She joined environment leaders from around the world to discuss water safety.

For more information on World Environment Day:

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