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Release Date: 4/18/2002
Contact Information: Wendy L. Chavez, Press Office, 415/947-4248, [email protected]

     School is One of Ten Nationwide to be Awarded

     SAN FRANCISCO-- At a White House ceremony today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognized Mesa, Ariz. Roosevelt Elementary School's Protect the Earth Club as one of ten nationwide to receive the 2002 Presidental Environmental Youth Award.

     The school club is a partnership of 4th through 6th grade students, Roosevelt teacher Melissa Kuhlman and Phoenix corporate sponsor, Honeywell.   The school was selected among entries from western regional states, including Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and the Pacific Islands.

     "These students are tomorrow's leaders learning valuable lessons early about protecting the environment they will inherit," said Wayne Nastri, regional administrator for the EPA's Pacific Southwest office.  "This successful project shows all of us the benefits of bringing children, teachers, parents and business together to raise awareness and improve our environment."
    Roosevelt students gathered nearly five tons of paper for recycling during the 2000-2001 school year.  The club held a neighborhood collection day for household hazardous waste and invited nearby schools to join them. With promotion from local media, nearly 6000 pounds of hazardous waste were collected and disposed of properly.

     The students wrote and published a school newsletter about environmental facts and club activities.  Local community leaders and volunteers came to talk to the club about air pollution and native bird species.   Throughout the year, Honeywell representatives volunteered their time and expertise to make club activities happen.

     The EPA sponsors the President's Environmental Youth Awards to recognize young people for projects that demonstrate their commitment to the environment.  The program encourages individuals, schools and community organizations to promote local environmental awareness and channel it into positive community involvement.    

     The EPA sponsored Kuhlman and a student from the school's club to travel to Washington DC during the week of April 15th to participate in the White House ceremony honoring the ten winning projects from across the nation.
