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Draft Report on the Environment Released

Release Date: 05/10/2007
Contact Information: Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819/ [email protected]

(Washington, DC – May 10, 2007) The draft 2007 Report on the Environment Science Report (2007 ROE SR) was released today for public comment and external review by the Science Advisory Board (SAB). The draft report consists of two documents - one for the science community - the ROE Science Report; and a second for all citizens – Highlights of National Trends 2007. The information from both ROE 2007 documents will also be available on an interactive, searchable Web site called the “e-ROE.”

The upcoming independent peer review by the Science Advisory Board will be open to the public and will be announced by the SAB in the Federal Register. Public comments may be submitted prior to the meeting, and both the SAB review and public comments will be used to revise the final report.

SAB review draft of the 2007 ROE Science Report: