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Relocated Residents Near CTS of Asheville, Inc. Superfund Site to Return Home

Release Date: 11/17/2014
Contact Information: Davina Marraccini, 404-562-8293 (direct), 404-562-8400 (main), [email protected]

ATLANTA – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) contacted the three families relocated due to elevated levels of trichloroethylene (TCE) at their residences near the CTS of Asheville, Inc. Superfund site in Asheville, N.C., to let them know they may return home, effective immediately.

After elevated TCE levels were detected inside three homes in June 2014, all three affected families agreed to temporarily relocate. EPA has provided relocation assistance and has been working closely with these families.

EPA has determined that these families may return to their homes because of cleanup actions that were undertaken recently. Specifically, contractors for the CTS Corporation installed a vapor collection system in the springs adjacent to the three homes and the CTS Site, which has been operating since mid-October to remove TCE from the air.

Analytical data from air sampling conducted both inside and outside of the residences neighboring the eastern boundary of the former CTS plant indicate the vapor collection system is effectively reducing TCE concentrations to levels that do not pose a significant health risk. Specifically, in sampling conducted November 4-5, 2014, with EPA oversight, TCE levels both inside the residences and in the outside air between the springs and nearby homes have dropped below EPA’s regional recommended chemical/site specific removal management level (RML) for TCE. EPA was notified on November 17, 2014, that the data have been validated.

Operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the vapor collection system will continue as long as necessary to protect human health and the environment. For example, repeat air sampling will be conducted in December 2014, January 2015, and at future dates. EPA will supplement these efforts with additional cleanup activities as part of a final remedy for site-related environmental contamination.

More information about the CTS Site:

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