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EPA Proposes the West Troy Contaminated Aquifer site in Ohio for Superfund National Priorities List

Release Date: 03/14/2012
Contact Information: Francisco Arcaute (312) 886-7613, [email protected]

(3/14/12) For Immediate Release No. 11-OPA014
EPA Proposes the West Troy Contaminated Aquifer site in Ohio for Superfund National Priorities List

CHICAGO - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today proposed adding the West Troy Contaminated Aquifer in Troy, Ohio, to the National Priorities List of Superfund sites. Superfund is the federal program that investigates and cleans up the most complex, uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites in the country.

The city of Troy operates two well fields along a 1.25-mile segment of the Great Miami River. Troy's West Well Field has four wells on park land bordering the east side of the river. Since 1986, volatile organic compounds have been detected in a production well.

Today EPA added nine new hazardous waste sites to the NPL and proposed 10 more, including the West Troy Contaminated Aquifer. Since 1983, 359 NPL sites have been cleaned up and 1,302 remain on the NPL. There are 62 proposed sites waiting final agency action.

Federal Register notices and supporting documents for the final and proposed sites:
