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EPA Selects $65 Million Cleanup For Chemical Contamination at Necco Park in Niagara and Orders DuPont To Perform The Remedy

Release Date: 09/30/1998
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(#98136) NEW YORK, N.Y. -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has selected a long-term remedy for industrial and hazardous waste in soils and on-site groundwater at an inactive industrial waste landfill known as the DuPont Necco Park site in the City of Niagara Falls and the Town of Niagara, New York. EPA estimates the cost of the remedy will be $65 million. EPA also issued an administrative order to E.I Dupont that requires it to perform the long-term remedy under the authority of the federal Superfund law.

The remedy calls for an upgrade of the existing cover at the landfill that will be multi-layered and conform with New York State requirements. The plan includes increased pumping and treating of contaminated groundwater within the site to prevent the spreading of the contamination and its movement off-site. Under the plan, hazardous liquid seepage from the landfill will be collected and treated off-site. The treated groundwater will be discharged to the Niagara Falls sewage treatment plant. The remedy also provides for monitoring to assess the effectiveness of natural attenuation (the breakdown of contaminants through biodegradation and dilution) of off-site groundwater contamination, as well as institutional restrictions on the use of groundwater in the area.

"This is a comprehensive cleanup plan that will address all the environmental and public health concerns related to this site," EPA Regional Administrator Jeanne M. Fox said. "DuPont has been cooperating with EPA concerning this remedy and we anticipate the responsible party will begin work in the near future."

This plan of action has been reviewed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, which has concurred with EPA's decision.


The Necco Park landfill was used for the disposal of approximately 186 million pounds of industrial and process wastes generated at the DuPont Niagara Plant from the mid-1930's until 1977 when the site was identified as a potential source of groundwater contamination and the landfill was closed. During 1978 and 1979, a clay cap was constructed over the 24-acre site and overlain by a 6-inch cover of topsoil and grass.

Since 1982, a pair of recovery wells that pump and treat the contaminated groundwater have been in operation to control the off-site movement of the contaminant plume. The collected groundwater is being treated at the adjacent CECOS facility. To enhance the groundwater pumping system's effectiveness, a grout curtain was constructed from July 1988 through September 1989 and a third recovery well was installed in 1992. Annual groundwater sampling and analytical testing is conducted at 38 monitoring wells on or near the Necco Park property.

A number of supplemental investigation and remedial studies of the site were conducted by the responsible party with EPA oversight from 1984 to 1994. The analysis of alternatives to address the contamination and potential health risks posed by the site, that were identified by EPA in its risk assessment, was approved by the Agency in 1996. This led to selection of this long-term remedy that will address the environmental and public health concerns related to the site.

For more information contact:
Mike Basile, Press Office
EPA Region 2 Niagara Field Office
345 third Street
Niagara Falls, NY 14303
Voice: 716-285-8842 FAX: 716-285-8788 E-Mail: [email protected]