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New Greenscapes Alliance Seeks Waste Reduction in RoadsideLandscaping, Other Large Land Use Activities

Release Date: 11/20/2003
Contact Information:

Dave Ryan 202-564-7827 / [email protected]

(11/20/2003) In a major effort to broaden and enhance waste reduction nationwide, EPA recently launched its GreenScapes Alliance, which combines all levels of government and industry for a unified influence on the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste materials in large land use activities. These activities include roadside landscaping, Brownfields land revitalization and the beautification and maintenance of office complexes, golf courses and parks. More than 100,000 businesses are involved in these land use activities, and are potential participants in the Greenscape Alliance. Potential participants include about 73,000 landscape contractors, landscape care and maintenance companies, and landscape installers; around 16,000 golf facilities; approximately 11,000 establishments in the highway and street construction industry; and 3,066 counties that do highway maintenance in 52 states, territories, and Washington, D.C. The new Alliance is another unique component of the Agency’s Resource Conservation Challenge, a major EPA initiative that identifies and uses innovative, flexible, and protective ways to conserve natural resources and energy; more information is available at: . The Greenscape Alliance reinforces these goals through five efforts: (1) providing information on resource conservation, the cost savings achieved by reducing material use and waste, and the performance and durability of environmentally-preferable products such as recycled-content and biobased (products other than food or feed that utilize biological products or renewable domestic agricultural and forestry materials); (2) promoting market expansion and growth of recycled-content and biobased products; (3) educating land managers on environmentally-beneficial landscaping efforts that yield water and energy savings, conserve landfill space, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; (4) publicizing case studies, success stories and technical assistance on waste-reducing alternative practices and products; and (5) giving public recognition to organizations that achieve environmental excellence in reduction, reuse, recycling of waste, and purchasing recycled-content products. To learn more, go to: . EPA announced the Greenscape Alliance on Nov. 14 in Pittsburgh at the national meeting of the U.S. Green Buildings Council (USGBC), where USGBC was declared a Charter Ally in GreenScapes. The Council is a coalition of leaders from across the building industry working to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work. More information, go to: .