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EPA Finalizes Greenhouse Gas Permit for Company in Hale County, Texas; Facility will create almost 200 construction jobs and bring $110M to area

Release Date: 06/05/2014
Contact Information: Joe Hubbard or Jennah Durant at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

DALLAS – (June 5, 2014) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a final greenhouse gas (GHG) Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) construction permit to Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc. (GSEC), Antelope Elk Energy Center in Abernathy, Texas. Golden Spread plans to construct a natural gas-fired simple cycle turbine.

“We continue to work with Texas’ businesses to take action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” said EPA Regional Administrator Ron Curry. “We are pleased to see companies making a positive difference to reduce environmental impacts on our climate and create jobs that foster clean energy initiatives.”

The plant will operate in a peaking and intermediate power generation mode while maintaining grid stability and meeting load when weather conditions are not conducive to wind energy production. The estimated project cost is $110 million and will bring almost 200 jobs to the area. The plant will also construct a diesel-fired emergency generator, a gas-fired fuel gas heater, and circuit breakers.

In June 2010, EPA finalized national GHG regulations, which specify that beginning on January 2, 2011, projects that increase GHG emissions substantially will require an air permit.

EPA believes states are best equipped to run GHG air permitting programs. Texas is working to replace a federal implementation plan with its own state program, which will eliminate the need for businesses to seek air permits from EPA. This action will increase efficiency and allow for industry to continue to grow in Texas.

EPA has finalized 41 GHG permits in Texas, proposed an additional 10 permits, and currently has over 19 additional GHG permit applications under review and permit development in Texas.

For all of the latest information on GHG permits in Texas please visit:

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