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EPA to Fund Research on the Role of Particulate Matter in Cardiovascular Disease

Release Date: 10/09/2003
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819 / [email protected]

(10/09/03) EPA and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences are calling for applications from nonprofit institutions to study the role of particulate matter (PM) in cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. Currently documented risk factors for heart disease are age, lifestyle (smoking, physical inactivity and diet), gender, race and genetics. Recent studies suggest that air pollutants, particularly PM, may also be a factor in the development of heart disease. This Request for Applications (RFA) calls for proposals to study the mechanisms by which air pollutants adversely affect the cardiovascular system, an area where little data presently exists. The RFA also asks researchers to identify and investigate the factors that make certain people more susceptible to the cardiovascular effects of air pollutants. It is hoped that this RFA will foster innovative collaborations between environmental health and cardiovascular researchers. The RFA is part of EPA’s Science to Achieve Results grant program. Anticipated funding will be $4 million from both agencies for the first year of study, with applications due by Dec. 19. More information is available at: .