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EPA Water Infrastructure Fund Programs Promote Water Efficiency

Release Date: 08/29/2003
Contact Information:

John Millett 202-564-7842/[email protected]

(08/29/03) On Aug. 28, U.S. EPA Assistant Administrator for Water, G. Tracy Mehan III, highlighted the advantages of the Agency’s State Revolving Fund programs to help states conserve water. Recent water shortages across the United States have served to remind states, utilities, and the public that water efficiency, reuse, and conservation is important for ensuring reliable services to customers. Water efficiency can save money, help water supplies withstand drought, and protect water quality and the environment. EPA has released a new fact sheet that highlights how EPA’s Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs can help states and systems support water efficiency measures. Both programs provide grants to states to establish revolving funds from which states provide loans to drinking water and wastewater utilities for infrastructure improvements needed to protect public health and the environment. For example, the Clean Water SRF program can fund projects that reuse wastewater for public purposes and the Drinking Water SRF program can fund projects to create dual distribution systems for drinking water and water for other uses (such as watering lawns). Both programs can also fund non-structural measures that improve water efficiency such as installation of water meters to accurately track water usage and water efficient devices such as plumbing fixtures and appliances. States can also use the Drinking Water SRF program to help develop water conservation plans and provide technical assistance to utilities on how to conserve water such as water audits, leak detection, and rate structure consultation. As part of EPA’s celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the passage of the Clean Water Act, August has been designated as Water Efficiency month. The fact sheet and other information on EPA’s Water Efficiency programs can be found at: . Links to information on the Drinking Water SRF, Clean Water SRF, and other funding programs can be found at: .