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Get daily EPA tips in April on 'going green'

Release Date: 04/01/2008
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith, 215-814-5543, [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (April 1, 2008) Everyday there are reports in newspapers, on television, on the radio and the web with suggestions on how to reduce our carbon footprint, make our homes and businesses more energy efficient and create communities that are sustainable. Now, you can now sign up for daily environmental tips sent directly to you by e-mail from EPA throughout April at Also available is a green tip "widget" you can download for daily environmental tips. A widget is a small piece of Web programming code that can be added to a blog, wiki, or Web page.

These daily environmental tips are a part of EPA's 2008 Earth Day celebration. April 22 is Earth Day and this year, EPA is launching several initiatives throughout the month of April to help raise environmental awareness.

On April 22, 1970, twenty million people across America celebrated the first Earth Day. Now, Earth Day is celebrated around the world.