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U.S. EPA fines Fender Musical Instruments Corp. and Goodrich Aerostructures Group for hazardous waste violations

Release Date: 09/22/2009
Contact Information: Joe Merer, 415-972-3228, [email protected]

For Immediate Release: 9/21/2009
Media Contact: Joe Merer, 415-972-3228, [email protected]

U.S. EPA fines Fender Musical Instruments Corp. and Goodrich Aerostructures Group for hazardous waste violations
Southern California Firms to pay a combined total of $145,361

LOS ANGELES - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today fined Fender Musical Instruments Corp. $78,861 and Goodrich Aerostructures Group $66,500 for violating numerous federal hazardous waste requirements at their Southern California facilities.

“We trust today’s action sends the right message -- hazardous waste generating companies must follow all federal regulations to protect their employees, surrounding communities and the environment,” said Jeff Scott, the EPA’s Waste Management Division director for the EPA’s Pacific Southwest region. “Proper storage, handling, and preparation for emergencies involving hazardous waste are critical responsibilities.”

During a routine inspection of the Fender facility in 2008, EPA investigators found that the musical instruments manufacturer had multiple hazardous waste violations at its plant located at 311 Cessna Circle in Corona, Calif. Fender:
• stored hazardous wastes without a permit;
• failed to provide adequate aisle space for hazardous storage containers;
• failed to inspect hazardous waste storage areas;
• failed to close hazardous waste storage containers;
• failed to provide required personnel training; and
• failed to determine if wastes generated were hazardous.

During a 2008 inspection of the Goodrich facility, EPA investigators found that the aerospace component manufacturer had multiple violations at its 8200 Arlington Ave. facility in Riverside, Calif. Goodrich:
• stored hazardous waste for more than 90 days without a permit;
• stored hazardous waste in improperly labeled containers; and
• failed to properly manage satellite and storage containers.

Both companies generated corrosive and paint wastes as a result of the manufacturing activities performed by each company. The paint wastes contain solvents and/or metals such as chromium.

Both companies have taken action to correct the violations. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act requires facilities to properly store, label and seal hazardous waste containers. Facilities must also have properly trained staff, as improperly stored hazardous waste can potentially spill and pose a risk to workers and the environment.

For more information on the U.S. EPA’s hazardous waste program visit:

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