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Phoenix Building Supply Non-Profit Wins U.S. EPA Annual Award

Release Date: 12/10/2013
Contact Information: David Yogi, [email protected], (415) 972-3350

Stardust Non-Profit Building Supplies supports local communities with inexpensive construction materials

SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Pacific Southwest Region today announced that Stardust Non-Profit Building Supplies has won a 2013 environmental award for its creative re-use of building materials. The award was presented at one of the company’s thrift stores in Phoenix, Ariz. The regional environmental awards acknowledge significant contributions made in the past year to protect the environment and support communities.

“Stardust’s efforts have helped give Phoenix communities low-cost supplies needed to revitalize their neighborhoods,” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. “Salvaging building supplies that would have been otherwise discarded is not only a win for the environment, but also a win for local businesses and their workers.”

As part of its operations, Stardust removes usable building materials from homes and businesses at no cost to the owner and sells donated items from its thrift store locations in the Phoenix metropolitan area. By disassembling a building in such a way that building materials (cabinets, plumbing fixtures, flooring, electrical fixtures, doors, windows and more) can be reused, new construction needs can be met by simultaneously expanding job opportunities for local communities.

“It is an honor to be recognized by the EPA as a community leader in sustainability,” says Karen Jayne, Stardust Executive Director. “Our mission is to inspire and encourage people to reuse, effectively depriving our local landfills of usable materials, and to receive this award is confirmation of our efforts.

As a result of Stardust’s work, 650 tons of product are diverted from local area landfills each year, reducing urban blight and supporting citywide rebuilding efforts.

Stardust Non-Profit Building Supplies is one of eight environmental winners announced today by the U.S. EPA’s Pacific Southwest office.

Each year, the Pacific Southwest office encourages citizens in California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawai’i and the Pacific Territories to nominate individuals, non-profits, businesses, local governments and other groups for environmental awards. This program offers a great opportunity to recognize individuals and groups outside of the EPA who are working to protect public health and the environment. Awards are granted to scientists, teachers, journalists, citizen activists, young people, organizations, business representatives, tribal leaders, public officials, and others committed to protecting public health and preserving our natural surroundings.

For more information about EPA’s 2013 environmental award winners, visit:

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