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Blog Question of the Week: What would convince you to change your driving habits?

Release Date: 06/30/2008
Contact Information: (for media only; please leave responses as comments on the blog): Jeff Morin, (202) 564-6553 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. – June 30, 2008) Ever wanted to tell EPA what you thought on an environmental topic? Each week, you have your chance in the EPA blog, "Greenversations." Each question is an open-ended blog entry; please share your thoughts as comments.

This week's question:

What would convince you to change your driving habits?
Driving less, carpooling, and combining errands all mean less pollution. And with fuel prices rising, people are driving less, or driving smarter when they can. But many find it very difficult to drive less because of where they live or what they do.

¿Qué le convencería para cambiar sus hábitos de guiar?
Actividades como el guiar menos, hacer carpool y combinar mandados todas contribuyen a reducir la contaminación. Mientras los precios del combustible están en alza, las personas están conduciendo menos y lo están haciendo de manera más inteligente siempre que pueden. Sin embargo, a veces se les dificulta guiar menos debido al lugar donde viven o por lo que hacen.

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