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EPA Employees Honored for Outstanding Work

Release Date: 6/8/1999
Contact Information: Donna Heron (215) 814-5113

PHILADELPHIA -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded bronze medals for superior achievement to two employees.

Darice Ellis of the Air Protection Division was honored for her work combining the Energy Star Program with an environmental justice program.  Ellis from Devon, Pa. is an environmental protection specialist and has worked for the EPA for one year.

Karen Melvin from Villanova, Pa. received an award for her outstanding efforts in oil spill prevention.  Melvin is the chief of removal enforcement and has worked for EPA for 17 years.

"These employees deserve applause for their hard work.  Thanks to them, the mid-Atlantic Region is a cleaner, safer place to live," said W. Michael McCabe, EPA mid-Atlantic regional administrator.

