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Time to Prepare for Earth Day – Tell EPA about Your New England Earth Day Events

Release Date: 04/03/2008
Contact Information: David Deegan, (617) 918-1017

(Boston, Mass. – April 3, 2008) - EPA’s New England regional office is asking cities, towns, organizations and individuals across our six states to send information on Earth Day events that can be posted on EPA’s web site.

EPA has created an Earth Day webpage as a clearinghouse for Earth Day related events and activities for citizens of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Earth Day, held each year on April 22, is a great opportunity for people to get involved in their community, or to renew their environmental commitment.

Municipalities, organizations, businesses, and individuals that are organizing Earth Day or Earth Day-related events can submit them at the EPA New England Earth Day website (

When submitting event information, be sure to include all relevant details, including date(s), time(s), location, sponsor, brief description of the event, and a contact person with phone number and/or email address. Please submit your event and help your neighbors get involved!

EPA is also producing a large amount of great information for Earth Day – it’s an easy way to get informed and learn about our shared environment.

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