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Hydraulic Fracturing Industry Reduces Use of Diesel Fuel

Release Date: 12/23/2003
Contact Information:

Cathy Milbourn 202-564-7824 / [email protected]

(12/23/03) EPA signed an agreement with three major companies that provide approximately 95 percent of the hydraulic fracturing services performed in the United States. These companies are: BJ Services Company, Halliburton Energy Services Inc., and Schlumberger Technology Corp. The agreement calls for the voluntary removal of diesel fuel from hydraulic fracturing fluids injected directly into formations which contain Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDWs) during hydraulic fracturing for coalbed methane production. Included in the agreement are assurances from the companies that fluids used to replace diesel fuel will not endanger USDWs. Upon signing, the companies have agreed to discontinue the use of diesel fuel in the hydraulic fracturing fluids they use in coalbed methane wells within 30 days to the extent they have not already done so. The MOU is available at: .