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Bush Administration Officials Discuss Initiatives to Reduce America's Dependence on Foreign Oil

Release Date: 04/06/2007
Contact Information: Jennifer Wood, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - April 6, 2007) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Steve Johnson will be joined by Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman and National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator Nicole Nason to discuss EPA's finalized Renewable Fuel Standard, increasing the use of alternative fuels and modernizing CAFÉ standards for cars.

WHO: Stephen Johnson, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Samuel Bodman, Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy

          Nicole Nason, Administrator, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration

WHAT: Press conference on EPA's finalized Renewable Fuel Standard, increasing the use of alternative fuels and modernizing CAFÉ standards for cars.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 10, 2007
2 p.m. EDT

WHERE: EPA Headquarters, Ariel Rios South Building
The Green Room, 3rd floor
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
          (Metro exit for blue/orange lines is Federal Triangle. As you exit the metro escalator, go left into the building entrance.)

NOTE: Reporters attending need to bring credentials and register for the event. Please have a photo identification card from a news organization with your name and title, White House or Congressional identification. To register for this event, send an email to: [email protected]