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EPA To Hold Public Meeting To Discuss Cleanup Plan For Ashland Superfund Site

Release Date: 10/06/2010
Contact Information: Patricia Krause 312-886-9506, [email protected]

No. 10-OPA118

CHICAGO (Oct. 6, 2010) --- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has selected a cleanup plan for the Ashland Northern States Power Lakefront Superfund site in Ashland, Wis. The cost of the cleanup plan is between $83 million and $98 million.

An information session to discuss the selected plan with residents will be held at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 4, at the Great Lakes Visitors Center, 29270 County Highway G, Ashland.

EPA, in consultation with Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, evaluated a number of cleanup options for soil, sediment and ground water and selected a cleanup plan that includes:

  • Removing soil from the most contaminated areas of Kreher Park and the Upper Bluff/Filled Ravine, treating the soil on-site, and reusing the soil after treatment or disposal off-site.
  • Using barriers to contain and stop the movement of contaminants in ground water, treating the ground water in place, and adding wells to extract and treat ground water.
  • Digging up wood waste and contaminated sediment near shore in Chequamegon Bay and dredging contaminated sediment offshore, covering excavated area (near shore) and dredged area (offshore) with at least six inches of clean material, and treating contaminated sediment after removal or disposal off-site.

A manufactured gas plant is primarily responsible for the soil, ground water and sediment contamination at the Ashland Northern States Power site. Contaminants include a mixture of chemicals that made up part of the liquid waste from gas production. Other past activities in the area, including possible wood treatment at local sawmills and construction of the former municipal wastewater treatment plant in the 1950s, may have added to the contamination.

Copies of the study that details EPA’s final cleanup plan, the Record of Decision and other site documents are on the Web at and on file at Vaughn Public Library, 502 W. Main St., Ashland; Bad River Public Library, 100 Maple St., Odanah; WDNR Spooner Service Center, 810 W. Maple St., Spooner; and Red Cliff Environmental Protection Agency Office, 37295 Community Road, Bayfield.

For more information or special accommodations at the information session, contact Patricia Krause, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator at [email protected], or call 800-621-8431, Ext. 69506 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays.

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