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EPA Awards $1 Million Brownfield Grant to Downriver Community Conference in Southeast Michigan

Release Date: 08/22/2013
Contact Information: Francisco Arcaute, 312-886-7613 / 312-898-2042 cell, [email protected]


Southgate, Michigan (Aug. 22, 2013) – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Administrator Susan Hedman today joined U.S. Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) in southeast Michigan to announce the award of a $1 million brownfield grant to the Downriver Community Conference.

“EPA is pleased to award a $1 million grant to supplement the Downriver Community Conference revolving loan fund,” Hedman said. “Based on the DCC’s excellent track record, I am confident that this money will be put to good use at brownfield sites in the Downriver area – starting with the Monroe Pumphouse, Dearborn City Hall and Willow Run Hanger #2.”

During the past five years, EPA has awarded the Downriver Community Conference $6.6 million to be loaned out to clean up contaminated sites and $1.65 million for brownfield assessment work. Since 1997, EPA has awarded 15 individual revolving loan fund grants and assessment grants totaling almost $14 million.

The Downriver Community Conference has supported assessment and cleanup at more than 210 sites. Redevelopment at these sites has led to the creation or retention of 1,000 jobs. The projects also generated over $100 million in public and private investments, resulting in $2 million in tax revenues each year.

“I am pleased to join my friends at today’s $1 million brownfield award announcement for the Downriver Community Conference,” said Rep. Dingell. “I am proud of the past work of the Downriver Community Conference and its Brownfield Consortium, and today’s announcement only further highlight’s DCC’s reputation of being outstanding stewards of taxpayer dollars and its commitment toward projects that greatly enhance the quality of life in our region. The DCC and the work it does is an example of how important EPA funding is to southeast Michigan.”

“The DEQ, EPA and DCC have historically forged great partnerships to facilitate the redevelopment of brownfield sites in southeast Michigan. The DEQ looks forward to continuing that partnership into the future. This award shows that EPA not only recognizes that southeast Michigan has a brownfields funding need, but also that the Downriver Community Conference does excellent work,” said Carrie L. Geyer, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

“On behalf of the Downriver Community Conference Board of Directors and staff, we are pleased to be a part of the partnership and all the good things that come with this grant,” said Jim Perry, Executive Director of the Downriver Community Conference. “Our mission of keeping the environment clean and putting people back to work exemplifies what the Downriver Community Conference is all about.”

For more information on EPA’s brownfields program:

For more information on the Downriver Community Conference: