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EPA Administrator and Australian Officials Discuss Priorities

Release Date: 04/02/2008
Contact Information: Dave Ryan, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(4/2/08) EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson is meeting with officials in Australia about shared environmental challenges and opportunities for collaboration with this important global partner. Johnson will learn from senior officials about their innovative approaches to carbon sequestration, water conservation, reuse and management, methane capture, pesticide risk reduction, and resource sustainability.

Johnson will meet with Peter Garrett, Minister for the Environment, and Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change and Water, to exchange information on their respective environmental programs, especially water collaboration and climate change issues. Additionally, he will meet with Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland Territory government officials, private sector representatives, industry executives, as well as university faculty and students to exchange information on environmental issues.

Johnson will visit several cutting-edge facilities, including a water treatment plant that uses new technology for water recycling and produces clean energy from waste methane gas. He will also visit and learn about Australia's first carbon dioxide sequestration project, and a project that captures and recovers methane emitted from coal mine ventilation shafts.