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Environmental Appeals Board Approves Second Batch of Air Compliance Agreements With Animal Feeding Operations

Release Date: 04/20/2006
Contact Information: Dave Ryan, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(4/20/06) EPA's Environmental Appeals Board (EAB) approved an additional 702 air compliance agreements for animal feeding operations (AFOs) on April 17, 2006. The approval of these agreements is another important step forward towards implementing a nationwide study of air emissions from AFOs. EPA expects that the monitoring study will begin later this year. Approximately 2,700 AFOs signed up to participate in the voluntary agreement. These operations represent more than 6,700 farms in 42 states. EPA is reviewing the remaining agreements and plans to submit the qualifying agreements to the EAB for review over the next few months. This second group of 702 agreements consists of 48 for operations that raise egg-laying birds, which represents 333 farms, and 654 for swine-raising operations, which represents 2,143 farms.

More information on the AFO agreement:

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