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EPA Recognizes Local Leaders For Improving Air Quality In Schools

Release Date: 02/03/2011
Contact Information: Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, [email protected]

No. 11-OPA010

CHICAGO (Feb. 3, 2011) — At its recent Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools symposium, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recognized the Greendale, Wis., School District and the Illinois Education Association Indoor Air Quality Task Force for efforts to improve indoor air quality in schools. They were among nine school districts and two organizations nationwide recognized for leading the way to improving conditions at schools and taking action to prevent future indoor air quality health risks.

Nearly 55 million children and approximately 6 million adults spend a significant portion of their days in more than 132,000 public and private school buildings in the United States. Poor indoor air quality in schools can affect the comfort and health of students and staff, which, in turn, can influence concentration, attendance and student performance.

“Protecting children’s health is a top priority for EPA,” said Regional Air Division Director Cheryl Newton. “EPA is pleased to recognize the commitment of the Greendale School District and the Illinois Education Association to healthy school environments.”

For more than a decade, EPA has been working with schools to help improve the health and learning environments for children through the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools program. The program helps schools identify, resolve and prevent indoor air quality problems using practical, low- and no-cost measures.

More information on IAQ Tools for Schools:

For a list of award winners:
