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US Liquids of Louisiana, LP, Fined for Violating the Clean Water Act

Release Date: 07/17/2012
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Jennah Durant at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(DALLAS – July 17, 2012) The Environmental Protection Agency has fined US Liquids of Louisiana, LP, of Jennings, Louisiana, $13,552 for violating Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulations outlined under the Clean Water Act.

A federal inspection of the company’s Bateman Island marine terminal in St. Mary Parish revealed the terminal’s SPCC plan failed to provide a prediction of equipment failures that could result in discharges, personnel working at the facility had no training on the operation and maintenance of equipment to prevent discharges, and facility inspections had not been conducted.

The company also failed to schedule periodic spill prevention briefings, address secondary containment of truck loading, unloading and transfer areas, and to regularly inspect above-ground valves, piping and joints.

SPCC regulations require onshore production or bulk storage facilities to provide oil spill prevention, preparedness and response to prevent oil discharges. The SPCC program helps protect our nation’s water quality since a spill of only one gallon of oil can contaminate one million gallons of water.

More about activities in EPA Region 6 is available at

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