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To Learn How to Better Protect the Environment - Ask EPA

Release Date: 11/01/2007
Contact Information: Andrew Wilkins, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - Nov. 1, 2007) If you could sit down to chat with the nation's top environmental officials, what would you ask? Here is your chance. Today at 3 p.m. EDT, Administrator Stephen L. Johnson will host the launch of EPA's new online interactive forum Ask EPA. Join the administrator online as he discusses the agency's efforts to promote clean and dependable energy solutions, including the Energy Star Change a Light Campaign.

In this forum, patterned after
Ask the White House (, the public will have the opportunity to ask the agency's senior environmental officials questions on a wide range of environmental and human health issues. The live chat sessions will last approximately one hour and consist of 8-12 questions and answers. Individuals can submit questions up to two days in advance, as well as during the live discussion.

For more information or to receive email alerts on upcoming hosts and topics, visit the Ask EPA site (