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Iowa and Missouri Cities, Groups to Receive More Than $3.5M in EPA Brownfields Funding to Assess, Clean Up Properties

Release Date: 04/19/2010
Contact Information: Belinda Young, (913) 551-7463, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., April 19, 2010) - Seven cities or community organizations in Iowa and Missouri have been selected to receive a total of more than $3.5 million in brownfields funding through EPA Region 7 to clean up abandoned properties and address community blight.

The funds are being awarded through the EPA Brownfields Program, which applies new partnerships, initiatives and financial assistance to address hazardous substance and petroleum contamination issues in ways that allow communities across the nation to revitalize and redevelop properties that have been abandoned or rejected for environmental reasons.

Nationwide, EPA expects to award nearly $80 million to assess and clean up brownfields properties, which are sites where expansion, redevelopment or reuse might be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant.

Included in that amount is a total of $3,583,000 to seven grantees in EPA’s Region 7:

  • Coralville, Iowa; $200,000 for assessment of hazardous substances, $183,000 for assessment of petroleum.
  • Ottumwa, Iowa; $200,000 for assessment of petroleum.
  • Waterloo, Iowa; $200,000 for assessment of hazardous substances, $200,000 for assessment of petroleum.
  • Kansas City, Mo., Community Center; $200,000 for cleanup of petroleum.
  • Kansas City, Mo.; $871,500 for assessment of hazardous substances, $128,500 for assessment of petroleum.
  • Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission, Clinton, Mo., (serves the Missouri counties of Bates, Benton, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, St. Clair and Vernon); $650,000 for assessment of hazardous substances, $350,000 for assessment of petroleum.
  • St. Louis, Mo., Development Corporation; $200,000 for assessment of hazardous substances, $200,000 for assessment of petroleum.

The EPA Brownfields Program continues to look to the future by expanding the types of properties it addresses, forming new partnerships, and undertaking new initiatives to help revitalize communities across the nation.
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Learn more about the Region 7 Brownfields Program