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EPA Recognizes D.C. Department of Health for ‘Extraordinary Actions’ to Protect Watershed
Release Date: 4/1/2003
Contact Information: Roy Seneca, (215) 814-5567
Roy Seneca, (215) 814-5567
PHILADELPHIA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency presented the District of Columbia Department of Health a Clean Waters Partner award for taking “extraordinary actions” to protect watersheds.
“The environmental work being done by the District of Columbia Department of Health to restore the environmental health of the Anacostia River Basin demonstrates that local organizations can make a difference in protecting our nation’s waters,” said Donald S. Welsh, regional administrator for EPA’s mid-Atlantic region.
The D.C. Department of Health is among 79 organizations and municipalities selected nationwide as Clean Water Partners. The program is part of EPA’s celebration of the Year of Clean Water. EPA Administrator Christie Whitman and Assistant Administrator G. Tracy Mehan III presented the awards during ceremonies today.
The D.C. Department of Health received the award for developing an initiative to restore the Anacostia River Basin.
Applications for the awards were announced in the Federal Register in April 2002. Each applicant had to complete a compliance screening and was reviewed by a panel including EPA, the Water Environment Federation, Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA) and National League of Cities.
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