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New Document Aimed at Improving Wetlands Monitoring Programs

Release Date: 04/20/2006
Contact Information: Dale Kemery, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(4/20/06) A new document, released today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will help states and tribes develop consistent programs to improve wetland monitoring. The document outlines critical elements that programs should include.

"Application of Elements of a State Water Monitoring and Assessment Program for Wetlands," is a follow-up publication to EPA's 2003 publication, "Elements of a State Water Monitoring and Assessment Program." The new document describes the 10 recommended elements of a wetland monitoring and assessment program including a program strategy, monitoring objectives and design, and data management. It further describes wetland-specific assessment approaches available to states and tribes.

The purpose of the document is to increase the understanding of wetland quality by advancing the practice of wetlands monitoring and assessment. It provides information and illustrations of assessment approaches unique to wetlands while reiterating the basic structure of a monitoring program that includes wetlands.

New guidance and more information about wetlands monitoring: