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EPA Fines Long Island Auto Repair For Violating Safe Drinking Water Act

Release Date: 10/07/1998
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(#98144) New York, New York -- The owners and operators of One Brother Auto Repair in Hempstead, New York have been cited by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for discharging service station fluids into a drywell without a permit. Drywells are essentially holes in the ground or floor, often filled with stone, that rely on gravity to drain or "inject" liquid wastes into the ground. Their simple construction provides little or no protection against possible ground water contamination.

EPA has ordered the company to apply for a permit to cease discharges to the drywell immediately and to properly close it. In addition, the Agency is seeking $16,500 in penalties for the violations. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act's underground injection well regulations, facilities that discharge potentially hazardous fluids into ground water through any means, including floor drains that lead to dry wells and septic systems, must first obtain proper authorization from the EPA.

"While dumping fluids down a floor drain and into a dry well may seem harmless, it can result in serious contamination of ground water," said Jeanne M. Fox, EPA Region 2 Administrator. "Fluids that are typically handled in auto repair shops, such as oil and antifreeze can be hazardous and these fluids can make their way into ground water. Because ground water is used as a source of drinking water in many areas, improper disposal can ultimately lead to contamination of people's drinking water."

EPA inspected the auto repair shop in February 1998 and found that fluids were being discharged through a depression in the repair bay floor, into a drywell. In addition, EPA found green fluid dripping into a storm drain, located outside the facility, which also led to a dry well. The auto repair shop has thirty days to respond to EPA's order.

For more information contact:
Mary Mears, Press Office
EPA Region 2
290 Broadway
NY, NY 10007-1866
Voice: 212-637-3669 FAX: 212-637-5046 E-Mail: [email protected]