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EPA applauds seven Minnesota school districts as national Energy Star Leaders

Release Date: 12/06/2006
Contact Information: Anne Rowan, (312) 353-9391, [email protected]

CHICAGO (Dec. 6, 2006) - Seven Minnesota school districts are among 20 organizations nationwide to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Challenge and earn the Energy Star Leader designation.

In March 2005, EPA launched its Energy Star Challenge by calling on building owners and operators across the country to improve energy efficiency by 10 percent or more. According to EPA estimates, if every U.S. building met the challenge, $10 billion in energy costs could be saved by 2015. The emissions reduction would be equivalent to taking 15 million vehicles off the road. Each year, commercial and institutional buildings spend about $80 billion on energy and cause about 20 percent of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions.

The new Energy Star Leaders in Minnesota are:

  • Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose School District 877
  • Burnsville-Eagan-Savage Independent School District 191
  • Columbia Heights School District
  • Mahtomedi School District
  • St. Cloud Area School District 742
  • St. Louis Park School District 283
  • Stillwater Area Schools

"Across America, energy savings are soaring because organizations are making smart energy decisions that are good for the environment and good for their wallets," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. "Through Energy Star, President Bush and EPA are improving the nation's energy and environmental outlook, and I applaud the leaders for helping hand the next generation a brighter, healthier future."

Schools, grocery stores, hotels and offices buildings are rising to the challenge to use less energy - saving money and helping the environment as a result. Often the steps are simple: turning off lights and computers while not in use, setting temperatures to balance comfort and efficiency, and upgrading to more efficient lighting.
EPA provides easy-to-use tools to help building owners and managers. The national building energy performance rating system helps them evaluate their energy efficiency on a 100-point scale, set goals and document improvements. Energy Star Leaders have either documented an improvement of 10 points or more or have earned an exemplary average rating across all their buildings.
Energy Star is a government-backed program helping businesses and consumers protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. More than 8,000 organizations partner with EPA through Energy Star. In 2005 alone, with the help Energy Star, Americans saved about $12 billion and reduced greenhouse gas emissions that were equivalent to taking 23 million vehicles off the road.
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