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First Batch of EPA Testing Shows Nonroad Diesel Equipment Meets Tough New Pollution Limits
Release Date: 03/14/2007
Contact Information: John Millett, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]
(3/14/07) EPA has finished the initial batch of emissions testing for construction, agricultural and industrial diesel-powered engines to confirm that results supplied by engine manufacturers are accurate. This milestone marks the start of a series of "confirmatory" emissions testing to ensure that these nonroad diesel engines meet the requirements of EPA's Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Fuel as early as 2008. EPA has conducted confirmatory testing on cars for decades.
All nonroad diesel engines tested at EPA's National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory during the initial round met their expected emissions limits. The second round of emissions testing is scheduled to begin this spring.
Nonroad diesel engine testing is a part of EPA's commitment to ensuring that the tremendous public health benefits of the Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule are achieved. Finalized in 2004, this landmark rule will lead to an estimated 12,000 fewer premature deaths annually and hundreds of thousands fewer incidences of respiratory problems at full implementation.
General information about nonroad diesel equipment:
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