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12 Final Hazardous Waste Sites Added to the Superfund National Priorities List

Release Date: 10/01/2003
Contact Information:

Dave Ryan 202-564-7827 / [email protected]

(10/01/2003) EPA is making significant progress in cleaning up the nation’s hazardous waste by adding 12 final sites to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL). In its Land Revitalization Agenda announced earlier this year, EPA made a commitment for revitalization and reuse to be a part of planning at every Superfund site. The new sites were selected on various factors including: risk to human health and the environment, the need for federal response, maintenance of a strong enforcement program, leverage of other cleanups and the level of support for listing from state, tribes and communities. The 12 final sites are: AMCO Chemical, Oakland, Calif.; Captain Jack Mill, Ward, Colo.; Matthiessen and Hegeler Zinc Company, LaSalle, Ill.; Madison County Mines, Fredericktown, Mo.; Newton County Mine Tailings, Newton County, Mo.; Ram Leather Care, Charlotte, N.C.; Troy Mills Landfill, Troy, N.H.; Rolling Knolls Landfill, Chatham Township, N.J.; Lammers Barrel, Beavercreek, Ohio; Harbor Oil, Portland, Ore.; Conroe Creosoting Company, Conroe, Texas; and Jones Road Ground Water Plume, Harris County, Texas. These 12 final sites are now eligible for Superfund remedial action funds. The NPL now contains 1,245 final sites. As of Sept. 29, cleanup construction has been completed at 886 sites and underway at an additional 377 sites. More information and the Federal Register notice are available at: .