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EPA Announces New Human Health Research Web Site

Release Date: 03/01/2007
Contact Information: Suzanne Ackerman, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(3/1/07) EPA's Human Health Research Program launched a new Web site on the latest information on its research to protect public health. The program's science looks at such questions as why some people are more sensitive to pollution and how exposure to chemicals affects people's health. The site is designed for the general public as well as for the scientific community.

"The best decisions are informed decisions," said George Gray, assistant administrator for the Office of Research and Development. "The site provides easy access to research and results on methods, tools, and data needed to improve risk assessments to protect the public."

Visitors to the site will find an overview of the research, information on how research has contributed to decision making, resource materials available in journal publications and reports, and a listing of meetings and conferences.

New human health research Web site: