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Border Environmental Workgroup Hears from Public

Release Date: 11/09/2006
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Tressa Tillman at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – November 9, 2006) Today the U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 program’s tri-state workgroup held its annual public meeting to receive input on priorities for the Chihuahua-New Mexico-Texas border region.  The role of regional workgroups like the tri-state workgroup is to identify and prioritize regional environmental issues, make recommendations on issues beyond a regional scope to the national workgroup, and work with border-wide bodies to address those issues.

Border 2012 regional workgroups are broad-based and include representatives from local communities on both sides of the border, as well as from binational organizations such as the Border Environment Cooperation Commission, the North American Development Bank, non-governmental and community-based organizations, academic institutions and the private sector.  In addition, the workgroups include relevant federal, state, local, and tribal governments, including representatives from environment, health, natural resource, and emergency response agencies.  For more information about Border 2012, please visit

The Border 2012 program also provides funding for projects that help prevent pollution, protect ecosystems, reduce waste and provide education in the border area, among other goals. The 2006 deadline for project proposals is Nov. 20, 2006.  For more information about applying for project funding, visit
